Monday, November 23, 2015

ILP "Design" - Infographic

Using Canva's Infographic tool I created an educational poster giving a brief history of Thanksgiving. A great tool to use for younger students.

(does not allow a link or photo - so the project has been emailed)

ILP "Design" - Prezi

My ILP is a step-by-step tutorial on how to use the social media app Instagram. This Prezi teaches beginners how to use the app and explore social media on a new platform.

Check out my Prezi here

Monday, November 16, 2015

Blog Post 10

       This assignment taught me more in depth skills in regards to PowerPoint. Before this assignment I had never used the interactive tools that were included in this system, but I definitely have a better understanding now. I liked this assignment because it was easy to understand the tools in PowerPoint while still creating a complex and interactive system for my "students". This assignment was also more enjoyable because I had more leeway when it came to the subject - I could choose my topic and how I wanted my PowerPoint to look.
       As a teacher, I could use Data Collection tools in the classroom all the time. This would be useful when I am putting in grades and need to see the statistics of certain assignments; for instance if I need to determine the students who need help with certain topics, which students consistently score the highest, etc. Data Collection tools would be useful for any grade or subject, but one instance that it would be helpful is in elementary English class. Data collection would help me, as a teacher, decide which of my fourth graders is reading on level, who is advanced, and who is struggling. Statistics will help me determine who needs extra assistance and who can move up a reading level.
       After reviewing my classmates' blogs, the most interesting topic that I saw were the different tools that are available on the Internet. I have been using the Internet for as long as I can remember, but there are still so many tools and websites that I have not heard of and possibly never will. Looking through my peers' blogs opened my eyes to multiple new websites that are not only prevalent to educators, but to students as well. These websites have helped me so far in this class, but I think that they will help me in future courses as well.
       One technology skill that I am still trying to master is Excel. Even though we've gone over Excel in class, I would still like to become a better user. I have always been a slow learner when it comes to technology and I have never quite 'gotten the hang' of Excel. Excel is used in so many classes and crucial in so many projects that I feel that it is a necessary tool for me to master. After reviewing this software in class I now know the basics of Excel, but in the future I would still like to better understand most if not all of the functions and tools that Excel has to offer.
       In order to achieve my future educational technology goal of mastering Excel, there is only one thing to do and that is to practice working on this software. Beyond Excel, I cannot think of any specific education technology goals that I have. I do not plan on becoming a teacher or educator in any way, so my education goals would be limited to what I would like to achieve while I am still a student. My obvious goal is to succeed academically while I am in school and technology will be a crucial element to that success. I will constantly be learning new ways to adapt to technology and use new tools in my academic life, so another goal would be to adapt successfully as technology changes.

Monday, November 9, 2015

Blog Post 9

       "The Flipped Classroom" is a classroom model in which the teaching process is reversed - students learn independently at home and then practice what they've learned once they've returned to school. Students watch videos and lectures when they are at home before class, and then once they get to class they participate in activities and fill out worksheets with their peers and teacher in order to review what they have previously learned on their own. "The Flipped Classroom" model focuses on students learning on their own and focusing on what the individual can learn on their own. There is no set system for this model other than the student learning the lesson on their own prior to the classroom going over it together.       An interesting web resource to assist teachers in professional development is TeacherVision. This site has plenty of tools that educators can use for teaching students a multitude of different subjects. The site includes lesson plans, class idea for different holidays or events, and many activities and worksheets.
       TeacherVision is a great tool for teachers to use because it breaks down activities through different filters. Educators can choose by grade, subject, themes, and types so that it is easy for them to find the perfect lesson or activity for their class. Within these filters are more filters so that teacher will always have an easy time finding relevant resources.
      This assignment taught me skills for creating elaborate PowerPoints in order to better teach my class. I liked this assignment because it was a good refresher in PowerPoint which I feel will be a crucial tool for future lessons. The only part of the assignment that I did not like was the number of slides required because I had to stretch information pretty thin in order to meet the requirement.