Monday, October 26, 2015

Blog Post 7

        PowerPoint is a great tool that many teachers use on a daily basis in order to assist lesson plans and teach students new information. PowerPoint is a good tool to use when teaching according to Bloom's Taxonomy because it would be the most efficient way to convey multiple levels of understanding. For example, when teaching students about a book, the first focus could be on the basic plot and characters. Asking students questions like 'which character said what' would satisfy the remembering level of the taxonomy. The understanding level could be satisfied by the next slide asking questions about the students' opinion on the symbolism found in the book or their interpretation on the characters' interactions. The applying level would be satisfied by the next slide asking students to apply their outside knowledge to what they read about it in the book. A good question to ask would be, "how can you relate one of your own personal struggles to that of the main character?" The next slide in the PowerPoint would focus on analyzing the book. Students would be asked to analyze plot devices and development in order to better understand how the events in the book all related to one another to develop a coherent story. The next slide would evaluate the book. Was the book accurate in its facts? Was it historically accurate? Evaluate the time and setting when the book was published; how would it effect the story's initial introduction to the public? The last level of Bloom's Taxonomy is creating - students would be asked to create an alternative ending to the book in accordance to how they think the characters should have reacted. 
       Adaptive technology is specially made for students who need extra assistance in the classroom. Adaptive technology helps students who may be blind or deaf by catering to their needs and allowing them to complete tasks. Some examples of adaptive technology are screen magnifiers that assist people with low vision, a digital photo and reading device that takes a picture of a text and will then read it out loud to those who are blind. the fews cons that I can think of when it comes to having adaptive technology in the classroom is that its very costly and many schools do not have enough funding for necessary equipment. Teachers would also have to be trained on how to use the complicated technology which would take time away from them being in the classroom.
       Working the web design assignment taught me design skills. I had never made a website before this assignment but this assignment taught me how easy it can be with the right tools. Weebly made this project easy since it had easy-to-use layouts and tools that allowed me to design a professional looking web page. I liked this assignment since it was more fun than the usual project and it did not take up too much time. These skills I learned can be used in my future career because I now know how to design a webpage and that can come in handy.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad to hear that you enjoyed the web design assignment! I am also relieved to hear that it wasn't too time consuming, since it was your first time working with web design.
